Collective Bargaining Example Survey

Contact us for a custom built solution!

The first set of questions are used in preliminary surveys. Custom data such as member location, job role, or seniority can be automatically uploaded into each response. (one region may have unique needs compared to others)

We included a sample MaxDiff question below. MaxDiff is unique to SurveyKing and helps you to identify what is truly most important.

To help streamline the feedback process please provide the following:
(id1 and id2 are valid ID entries - we can upload a custom list for your organization)


Please enter a valid union member ID


Please upload a valid non email address


List your three highest priorities for the new contract:




Our team will help you categorize the opened ended text questions to draft a follow-up survey. That follow-up survey can include skip/display logic to only show questions to certain groups. Advanced questions like MaxDiff can also be included.

As a shop worker, what would be the least and most important factor to increase your productivity?

Set 1 / 3

Least Important Most Important
Two (2) new lathe machines
New belt sander
Automated heat treatment machine
New blueprint software
Least Important Most Important
Automated heat treatment machine
New blueprint software
New belt sander
Better training classes
Least Important Most Important
Two (2) new lathe machines
Automated heat treatment machine
Better training classes
New belt sander