Includes Sample Survey Results

Employee Survey Template Start now

The employee survey template helps you collect valuable employee feedback. This template includes question related to both employee engagement and satisfaction. This employee survey should be run annually or semiannually to help establish benchmarks.

Number of questions: 10

The Benefits of Employee Feedback

Employers often fail to recognize problem areas in a timely manner resulting in turnover. Turnover increases employee costs in long the long run and decreases productivity, as new employees need to re learn skills that have already been mastered.

A study from the Work Institute, revealed 42 million US employees left their jobs voluntarily in 2019, which is 27% of the workforce. This was an increase of over 2 million in 2018, which saw 40 million voluntary departures and an increase of over 88% since 2010.

Employee Satisfaction vs Employee Engagment

Employee engagement and employee satisfaction are often used interchangeably, sometimes unknowingly. Employee engagement and satisfaction help paint the picture of how an employee views their job, but in different ways. For this reason, on all employee survey templates, we include questions related to employee satisfaction and engagement; with notes giving you the ability to delete unwanted questions.

Employee Engagement

This is the emotional commitment the employee has to the organization and its overall goals. Better engagement means increased productivity, deceased turnover, and helps foster positive customer interactions. Here are common questions related to engagement:

  • I would recommend this company - This question can be asked via a Net Promoter Score. While it's not an in-depth question, the single score this question gives you, is a high level overview of engagement and can be benchmarked in your organization.
  • I can see myself growing with this company - If an employee feels valued and connected to the company, they will want to stay, grow, and help contribute.
  • This company motivates me - Motivation can be provided by leadership or the organizations mission. Motivated employees feel connected to their jobs.
  • I have the tools to do my job - This question can be expanded to ask about specific material such as need software, needed trainings, or other tools required for the job.
  • My job role is clearly defined - Engaged employees have clear role, and understand how their role drives the company forward.
  • I receive recognition for good work - Employees who receive little recognition will likely become less motivated.

Employee Satisfaction

This is how satisfied or content employees are with their job, their employee experience, and the organization as a whole. Common measures of satisfaction include compensation, benefits, and work relationships.

Tips For This Template

  • Use the anonymous link to collect responses. Large organizations can take advantage of k-anonymity, which helps spot hidden relationships in your data.
  • Send this survey out at least annually to establish internal benchmark. You can use the same survey, but add a custom data tag to the link, that way results can be compared over time. If you need help with this, please contact us.
  • The Net Promoter Score question that is included, will help give your organization one score to keep track of to gauge overall employee happiness. Short Net Promoter Score surveys could be sent out monthly, enabling management to monitor the scores over time, and address problem areas in real time.
  • The survey report can easily be shared with one click. The report can be sent to different reginal mangers, stakeholders etc.

Employee Survey Results

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) question data will be displayed in a simple gauge chart, display the Net Promoter Score inside. Below the chart, the distribution of Promoters (0-6), Passives (7-8), and Promoters (9,10) will be shown. This number can be thought of as a simple "overall employee happiness". This number can be included in presentations and employee townhalls.

Employee NPS Score

NPS Score

The Net Promoter Score can be segmented by business unit or region with a simple bar chart and table. This will help identify any problem areas like a certain region that may have a disproportionate share of unhappy employees. In this example below, you can see the Net Promoter Score is lower for employees in department two.

Employee NPS Score by Department

Employee Department: eqauls - Dept 1
Employee Department: eqauls - Dept 2
Count Percent
NPS Score
Employee Department: eqauls - Dept 121067
Employee Department: eqauls - Dept 2013-75
Total Compared Responses223-14

Other question types can also be segmented out by region. Those questions will include a simple bar chart and data table. Question types like a Matirx will be displayed as a table for each criteria. In the example below we can see the results of a matrix question asking for compensation satisfaction. "Dept 1" seems to more satisfied overall than "Dept 2".

Count Percent
Employee Department: eqauls - Dept 1
Very Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
Response Totals
Weighted Average
My overall compensation0021033.33
The healthcare-related benefits offered by my organization0012033.67
The 401k plan offered by my organization0001234.67
The workplace flexibility offered by my organization0001234.67
Count Percent
Employee Department: eqauls - Dept 2
Very Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
Response Totals
Weighted Average
My overall compensation3100041.25
The healthcare-related benefits offered by my organization0400042
The 401k plan offered by my organization0310042.25
The workplace flexibility offered by my organization0400042

First Time Doing an Employee Survey?

We're here to help! We can help you get setup with the anonymous link, adding meta data to the survey URL or email invinations. We can help pull data from your HR system, and even draft a survey for you. Our team can also walk you through the results, and create custom reports as needed. contact us!