The summary report allows you to view all survey data one question at a time. The results will include a chart and data table for each question. You can export the entire report into Excel. You can also export the individual charts and data tables one by one. Most questions enable you to choose between a bar chart, a column chart, pie chart or doughnut chart.
The report dashboard will include buttons where you can filter, export, or share your data publicly. This report is useful to get a broad overview of your data. For example, if you sent an RSVP survey out, you could quickly see the votes determining the consensus location for the event. From here you could filter your data, for example, by males or females to get the consensus location by gender.
Filtering allows you find hidden trends in your data. For example, maybe question #1 of your survey is "Did you like visiting our store?" and question #2 asks "What is your age?". You can then filter by question #2 age and might see that a younger age bracket likes your store more than an older age bracket. This can help you decide on what markets you want to target.
A single Filter Rule uses OR logic within the filter. This means any respondents who fit at least one of the filter’s criteria are shown. For example, if you're filtering by question and answer and select two answer options (A and B), the filter will include any respondent who chose EITHER answer option A OR answer option B.
When multiple Filters Rules are applied at once, they are combined using “AND” logic, by default. This means that only results that meet both Filter Rules are shown — a response must meet the criteria of all filters to be included in the filtered dataset. You can toggle this to "OR” by toggling the dropdown menu within the filter criteria section.
Question | Description |
Multiple Choice, Dropdown, Image Comparison | View data in a table format and a chart. You can choose between a bar chart, a column chart, pie chart, or doughnut chart. |
Rating, Matrix | If using weights, you can view a weighted average. Data will also be displayed in a bar chart. |
Net Promoter® Score | Will compute your Net Promoter® Score. Your comparison to the global SurveyKing score will be shown, along with the number of promoters, passives, and detractors. Data will be displayed in a gauge chart. |
Input Box | Based on format. Text will give a word cloud. Dates will compute the most common dates and give you a list of dates. Numbers format will compute things like largest numbers and standard deviation. Email format will give you a list of all email addresses you can export. |
Multiple Text Boxes | Will include links to show the list of respondents broken down by text box label. |
Ranking | Will compute the highest ranked item based on total points. Chart will show the points per item. The data table will show the number of times an item was ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. |
File Upload | Will show a list of files uploaded, along with the size, type, and data loaded. You can also download a zip folder with all files. |
Checkbox Grid | Will show the total votes per column and how many times each row was voted on. The chart will show the total votes per column/row. |
Max Diff | Will show in a radar chart the most and least important attributes voted on. The data table will mimic the chart by showing total times each attribute was voted on. |
Answer | Responses | Percent |
January | 22 | 4% |
February | 84 | 13% |
March | 85 | 14% |
April | 29 | 5% |
May | 35 | 6% |
June | 55 | 9% |
July | 20 | 3% |
August | 82 | 13% |
September | 44 | 7% |
October | 71 | 11% |
November | 33 | 5% |
December | 63 | 10% |
Totals | 623 | 100% |